The infused oil of the Marigold plant (Calendula officinalis) in Jojoba Oil
Calendula, fondly known as "Nature's Gold," has been a staple in herbal medicine for centuries. Celebrated by healers across various cultures, it was valued for its remarkable skin-soothing properties. From ancient civilizations to medieval Europe, Calendula was revered for promoting skin health and vitality. Today, its soothing and softening qualities make it a popular choice for those seeking a natural touch of luxury in their skincare routine. Calendula oil is a key ingredient in creams, ointments, tinctures, cosmetics, shampoos, and baby wipes.
This soothing carrier oil is packaged in a 1 oz. cobalt blue glass bottle with a twist-on cap. It is often used on dry skin and can be added to massage blends for a nourishing touch. Try it in a salve for itchy skin.
Contains: Salicylic Acid, carotenoids, and phytosterols.